Get an opportunity to increase the operational efficiency of your company's units with better work coordination, efficient planning and reducing the labor costs of MRO planning and scheduling. You will be able to monitor job preparation, execution and completion and see the actual workload of your staff. The system provides tools for maintenance cost analysis, so you can find out which of your machines are less effective.
System functionality:
Creating work requests and jobs on repair objects included in the enterprise asset catalog
Binding work requests to maintenance cards (SOPs)
Estimating labor intensity and assigning technicians to work requests (automatic use of information on labor intensity from maintenance cards))
Ability to analyze the history of equipment issues
Responsive and user-friendly mobile app
Automatic work request generation based on the work schedule or maintenance schedul
Consolidated work request base for the whole enterprise. Grouping and filtering based on various criteria
Creating work requests and binding ‘child’ work requests to thems
Job execution control
Calculate project cost
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