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Accidents in the world due to equipment malfunction


Accidents and breakdowns of the main and auxiliary equipment cause long downtime of the equipment, interruptions in the production process, and in some cases severe injuries to service personnel. To avoid any accident or breakdown, you need to warn her in time. SmartEAM system automates equipment maintenance.

December 12, 1952 – CANDU reactor in the Chock River district, boiling and melting of the reactor as a result of a chain reaction.

Malfunctions in the control system and erroneous actions of the technical staff led to a critical situation, uncontrolled chain reaction occurred, peak power went beyond, boiling processes began, the fuel structure shell began to melt, and about 10,000 Ki of heavy water spilled through the cracks in the reactor vessel. The block was dismantled and hidden by a sarcophagus, and the contaminated area was deactivated.

December 12, 1952 – CANDU reactor in the region of the Chok River, boiling and reflowing of the reactor as a result of a chain reaction.

Malfunctions in the control system and erroneous actions of technical personnel led to a critical situation, an uncontrolled chain reaction arose, peak power went beyond the limits, boiling processes began, the shell of the fuel structure began to melt, about 10,000 Ci of heavy water spilled onto the ground through cracks in the reactor vessel. The block was dismantled and covered with a sarcophagus, the contaminated area was deactivated.

September 29, 1957, Russia – Chemical plant “Mayak”, RW storage near the village. Kishtym in the Chelyabinsk region, an explosion in a radioactive waste storage.

Violations in the operation of the automatic cooling system of the concrete tank caused an explosion in the storage, which contained 75 tons of liquid radioactive waste discharged after nuclear fuel reprocessing, the destruction of the concrete cover of the storage; radionuclides with a total activity of 20 million Ci fell into the environment: 18 million Ci settled near the storage site, 2 million Ci formed the East Ural long-lived radiation trail in the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Sverdlovsk Regions with a length of 300 and a width of 50 kilometers, in the zone of which there were 217 settlements and 272 thousand people lived.

1961 USA – Graphite Moderator HTRE Research Reactor in Richland, Wash., Serious Accident. A malfunction in the control system caused the release of radioactive substances into the environment.

1966 USA – Fermi-1 NPP, Laguna Beach, Michigan, accident with risk outside the industrial site. The failure of the equipment caused the blocking of the coolant channel in the core, partial melting and radiation emission.

1968, Switzerland – Lucens NPP, CO2, cooled reactor with a D2O moderator in a pipe under pressure, 8 MW. Failure of the equipment caused blocking of the coolant channel by corrosion products during shutdown, fuel rod melting during operation, radiation emission.

March 28, 1979, USA – Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant, 900 MW (e), on the Susquehanna River, near Harrisburg, PA, risk accident outside the plant site. A personnel error caused equipment failure (design error), loss of coolant, drainage of the core, partial melting, release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere.

1982, USA – Gina Nuclear Power Plant, 490 MW PWR Reactor, New York State, accident at risk off site. Explosion of a steam generator pipe leads to the release of radioactive steam.

SmartEAM will help you anticipate any breakdowns in advance to avoid downtime.

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