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Start of a large-scale project at Astarta enterprises


A project to automate business processes for managing fixed production assets at ASTARTA enterprises has started.

Astarta-Kiev is one of the largest vertically integrated agro-industrial holdings in Ukraine. Among the main activities:

– Agriculture: more than 230 thousand hectares under management
– Sugar production: national leader in sugar production, 6 sugar factories
– Livestock: industrial milk producer # 1 in Ukraine. The total livestock is 24 thousand heads.
– Soybean processing: No. 2 for soybean processing in Ukraine, the total annual processing capacity is 220 thousand tons.

The Astarta group of companies chose the IT-Enterprise company and the SmаrtEAM solution, first of all for the high level of expertise of specialists and rich experience in implementation at different enterprises. The SmartEAM product incorporates best practices in various areas of industry and agriculture.

To date, all stages of the SmartEAM system implementation, scope of work, goals and results for each stage of the project are spelled out.

In terms of timeline: the pilot project will last about a year, the commissioning of the system is scheduled for April 2021.

The main goals of the Astarta enterprise for the implementation of SmartEAM

– Increase the efficiency of using the production assets of the enterprise by reducing the amount of material losses and non-productive costs

– Improve the quality of repairs, reduce accidents and reduce unplanned downtime of the main technological equipment

– Optimize the cost of maintenance and repair of production assets

– Increase the validity of the size of the repair fund of the enterprise

– Create standard integrated solutions and improve the efficiency of accounting management processes, traffic, use and decommissioning of production assets

– Improve the quality and expansion of reporting on the management and use of production assets

– Increase the transparency of the use of the repair fund at the enterprise

And also: the ability to create a unified corporate base of equipment, a base of inventory items, to unify approaches to equipment maintenance, regulatory and technical documentation.

Considering that Astarta is a large holding with a large number of enterprises and equipment of the same type, we plan to create a single database with common standards, as well as introduce a full-fledged complex with a set of all functions of the SmartEAM system.

The entire knowledge base, description of the equipment, its composition and maintenance methods can be replicated to other enterprises in the future. The pilot project is designed for 5 sugar refineries and its further replication to other assets of the company.

“We understand that digitalization in the modern world is a competitive advantage, as it allows us to exercise effective control over production processes. That is why, for Astarta, building efficient management of fixed assets using the SmartEAM system is a priority focus for the next few years, ”says Sergey Khmil, Deputy Head of the Sugar Production Department, Sugar Production Department.

In the next article, we will tell you what top-priority tasks for managing the reference data we are planning and what economic effect Astarta plans to obtain.

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