You, the head of the repair service, the chief engineer, the mechanic, the power engineer, are constantly making efforts to involve all the personnel in the process of efficient equipment maintenance? Accidents take you by surprise? Do they take a lot of time to fix them? Constantly lacks a repair budget and it is difficult for you to justify the management of the enterprise the need to conduct planned work and calculate the economic effect of the proposed activities? This means that the company needs to urgently implement a modern asset management system.
The asset management system (EAM, maintenance) will help you to turn from a repairman with sleeves rolled up, eliminating an accident, to the head of a well-functioning repair service. Such a system will provide an opportunity:
Innovations in this field are an integral part of the 4th Industrial Revolution Industry 4.0. In accordance with its requirements, the software products offered by the developers include best practices and methods of servicing: RCM analysis (Reliability Centered Maintenance, maintenance of equipment reliability is detailed in the next article) and Ishikawa diagram (Ishikawa diagrams).
The effectiveness of using these techniques is confirmed by the experience of such well-known companies as Tesla, Boeing, Siemens, Apple and others who have learned to use their expensive equipment extremely effectively.
But this does not mean that modern maintenance and repair management systems (MROs) are economically profitable only for large companies or are applicable only in industrial giants. The individually developed enterprise asset management system (EAM) and qualified technical support make all processes connected with the uninterrupted operation of the equipment manageable without exposing the production and repair personnel to stressed failure situations, and the company to losses from emergency downtime.